Diatom Brain Nutrients Ingredients Explained
15 min read
What Is In Brain Nutrients And Why?
First to understand why Diatom Nutrients uses certain ingredients to make Diatom Brain Nutrients, one must first understand the full spectrum of importance these ingredients have for our brains and bodies. It is also important to understand what concentrates, extracts, and synthetics of organic material truly means. Take the cloak off why some synthetics are just as good as organic extracts alone; when taken from organic sources.
Organic extracts are sometimes highly squeezed organic matter. Occasionally they are obtained by an industrial process of extracting specific parts of a whole food. Some synthetic nutrients are purely lab made. Our Brain Nutrients are simply isolated nutrients, removing any trace of their original form; through an industrial process of combining extracts of many organic nuts, organic eggs, and organic fish.
Extracting And Concentrating Necessary Amino Acids From Nuts
Nuts, like walnuts, are used for extracting and concentrating their amino acids. Amino acids are the foundations of life. They are organic compounds that come together to form proteins. When the body breaks down protein, the amino acids are all that is left. As a critical part of nutrition, amino acids perform a variety of purposes:
• Produce enzymes for cell functions
• Repair body tissue
• Provide structural support for cells
• Help breakdown food
• Help children grow
• Are a source of energy
Amino acids are broken down into three groups
Essential Amino Acids
There are 9 amino acids that cannot be made by the body and must come from food. These foods are the most common sources of these essential amino acids:
Histidine: whole grains, meat, poultry, fish, nuts, and seeds
Isoleucine: lentils, meat, poultry, fish, nuts, soy, dairy, and fish.
Leucine: soy, legumes, beans, and dairy.
Lysine: meat, soy, black beans, pumpkin seeds, eggs, and quinoa.
Methionine: nuts, seeds, grains, and eggs.
Phenylalanine: soy, fish, dairy, meat, poultry, beans and nuts.
Threonine: wheat germ and cottage cheese.
Valine: beef, lamb, chicken, pork, cheese, soybeans, fish, nuts, seeds, mushrooms, whole grains.
Tryptophan: found in the foods with the highest protein, and includes turkey, chicken, wheat germ and cottage cheese.
Nonessential Amino Acids
Nonessential amino acids can be produced by the body and don’t need to come from food. These include alanine, arginine, asparagine, aspartic acid, cysteine, glutamic acid, glutamine, glycine, proline, serine, and tyrosine.
Conditional Amino Acids
Conditional amino acids are not essential, and the body only uses them during illness or stress. They are arginine, cysteine, glutamine, tyrosine, glycine, ornithine, proline, and serine.
Diatom Brain Nutrients’ Amino Acid of Choice
It all comes down to the non essential amino acid gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA); or at least what essential amino acids can raise the GABA amino acid levels in the brain. Brain Nutrients looks towards certain foods like that of walnuts, almonds, and a combination of many other nuts for the best natural essential amino acids. Concentrates of these specific elements can lead to a way of raising GABA level production, the principal inhibitory neurotransmitter in the brain.
Nootropic Effect of GABA Amino Acids
Amino acids are crucial to bodily functions and are critical to cognitive functions. Some amino acids produce what is called a nootropic effect on the brain. In other words, they enhance cognitive function. These amino acids facilitate gamma-aminobutyric acid. GABA amino acids affect memory, mood, sleep, learning, concentration, and creativity.
The GABA Amino Acids That Are Considered Nootropic
Boosts serotonin for better mood and melatonin for sleep.
Converts to the neurotransmitter dopamine, which affects learning, enhances motivation and reduces stress.
Helps support short-term memory and learning and increases the energy in the brain. Creatine is a combination of arginine and glycine.
Reduces stress and helps with cognition and focus. This amino acid is found in large concentrations in black teas.
ALCAR (acetyl-l-carnitine)
Creates acetylcholine, the neurotransmitter that is needed for primary learning and memory.
Not only does taurine help with brain cell growth, it helps in the production of the neurotransmitter GABA by increasing the productivity of an enzyme called glutamate decarboxylase which turns glutamate into GABA. Natural GABA calms down the nervous system and helps with focus and concentration as well as having many other benefits.
These GABA amino acids are necessary for the brain to function in a healthy manner.
What Is GABA And Why Is It Important?
GABA is a naturally produced brain neurotransmitter that blocks the impulses of the nerves, and is the brain’s primary inhibitor. When it is functioning properly, you not only feel calmer and relaxed, you are more productive. Studies have shown that natural GABA reduces anxiety and induces relaxation.
Natural GABA helps the production of serotonin, which keeps moods positive, and melatonin, which is essential for sleep. GABA amino acids are responsible for short term memory function as well as concentration. Natural GABA is also shown to boost the Human Growth Hormone (HGH), helping with muscle recovery and building muscles.
At the same time, lower levels of GABA have been linked to schizophrenia and depression. A study published in Biological Psychiatry found that patients with major depressive disorder had lower functioning levels of natural GABA compared to healthy individuals. Those who were the most resistant to treatment had the lowest levels of natural GABA, indicating how imbalances in natural GABA affect mood.
A shortage of natural GABA has been linked to a variety of health problems
• Insomnia
• Stress
• Anxiety or irritability
• Digestive issues
• High blood pressure
GABA amino acids are a critical part of health. Without natural GABA the body and brain would not function properly. If you are experiencing moodiness, anxiety, insomnia or brain fog, you may have a shortage of natural GABA.
Foods That Facilitate Natural GABA Production
There are a variety of foods that boost the production of GABA by containing glutamic acid or glutamate. Among the most common foods that contain glutamic acid are: spinach, peas, tomatoes, oats, wheat, barley, potatoes (regular and sweet potatoes), beans and rice.
Foods that are high in zinc such as nuts and seeds are also a great source of glutamate. The top dog of nuts is walnuts.
Walnuts have a plethora of health benefits that are science-based
Walnuts contain vitamin E which helps prevent oxidative damage from bad cholesterol.
Walnuts have the highest concentration of Omega-3 of any other nut. They contain alpha-linolenic acid (ALA). ALA is an essential fat that you can only get from your diet. It’s important because it lowers your risk for heart disease. Omega-3 is also critical for memory and learning.
Health Promoting Bacteria
Walnuts are good for gut health because they increase the good bacteria which produces butyrate, a fat that nourishes and promotes gut health.
Helps with Weight Control
In a study done in Boston, it was determined that by drinking a smoothie that was made with 1.75 oz of walnuts for 5 days, participants had a decreased appetite compared to the placebo group.
Brain Function
Studies have determined that antioxidants found in walnuts help reduce oxidative damage and inflammation in the brain. Walnuts, however, have another benefit, they also contain glutamate/glutamic acids which stimulate the production of natural GABA. Each 6-8 Oz of walnuts contains 5.4 grams of glutamate/glutamic acids.
Now that we have determined the importance of natural GABA to brain health, and how to get it naturally, let’s look at how GABA Nootropics we offer can help enhance your brain potential.
Racetams - GABA Nootropics
Racetams are a synthetic, isolated nutrient, group of chemicals that work like Nootropics. Although each racetam performs a little differently, they have a similar function, which is to boost oxygen, glucose, and nutrients to the brain. This in turn increases the brain’s focus, concentration, and stamina as well as helping reduce the degeneration of brain cells.
These GABA Nootropics, like the nutrients in foods, activate the glutamate receptors. There are glutamate receptors throughout the body, with the biggest concentration in the brain. GABA is a derivative of GABA Nootropics which facilitates GABA production. There are several GABA amino acids in the racetam family that enhance cognitive brain function.
What Makes Brain Nutrients A Side Effect Free Nootropic
Racetams have been around since the 1960’s, developed to enhance GABA amino acids. Diatom Brain Nutrients racetams enhance creativity and have a relaxing effect that is used for anxiety, as well as cognitive enhancement to improve focus and logical thinking. It also has the perk of an energy boost. While choline production is increased, we here at Diatom Nutrients wanted to stack more choline into our stack; providing all the benefits of a Gaba Nootropic, with none of the side effects.
Choline – enhances the effects of GABA Nootropics and helps prevent headaches.
Organic Eggs have an abundance of choline in them. However, all the ingredients of Diatom Nutrients’ Brain Nutrients is fat soluble; this means fat is required for the body to accept the Choline and GABA Amino Acids. Natural organic eggs have natural, but high cholesterol, fat. This is why Diatom Brain Nutrients supplements Omega-3 fat, from organic Norwegian fish, to help the body absorb all of which Diatom Brain Nutrients have to offer.
In Conclusion
By taking any GABA Nootropics, in either liquid or powder form, with fats such as milk, avocado, fish oil, and/or coconut oil, the body will absorb the GABA amino acids more effectively. It can take a few hours to a few days to feel the effects of GABA Nootropics, so you won’t always feel the results immediately.
If you are experiencing moodiness, anxiety, insomnia or brain fog, you may have a shortage of natural GABA. Nootropics are an effective way to enhance your natural GABA production, and experience greater clarity, positive moods, enhance memory, greater concentration, and more productivity.
GABA Nootropics are a way to get natural GABA when you are not eating the right foods, you have food sensitivities or allergies to foods that contain GABA, or your body is not producing enough on its own. It not only helps you to be more mentally fit, but can help you become physically fit as well. Before taking any natural supplements, make sure and check with your doctor.
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